Pyramid Texts of UNAS

by Wim
van den Dungen
Corridor l
English text
East Wall
(219 - 224)

"<" or ">" between numbers = sequence of the
"<" from right to left (facing right) or ">" from left to right (facing left)

adapted from the pictures of L.F. Husson in
Piankoff, A. : The Pyramid of Unas,
Bollingen Series, 1968.
to download a larger picture click
the text reads from right to left
{...} : restored passage
<...> : conjectured translation of unknown word
(...) : words added to bring out the sense and/or to clarify
The first number given, is the ordinal position of the utterance in the present
English version of the 228 utterances of the Unas text, while the second is the
traditional enumeration of the sayings by Sethe.
Litany of identification with
the Living Osiris (continued)
provide yourself with it :
He lives ! This King Unas lives ! He is not dead ! This King Unas lives ! He is
not destroyed ! This King Unas is not destroyed ! He
has not been judged ! This King Unas has not been judged ! He judges. This King Unas
judges !
In your name of Dweller in the
Mansion of the Eldest of Bulls, may your arms be about the meal, your daughter,
provide yourself with it :
He lives ! This King Unas lives ! He is not dead ! This King Unas lives ! He is
not destroyed ! This King Unas is not destroyed ! He
has not been judged ! This King Unas has not been judged ! He judges. This King Unas
judges !
In your name of Dweller in Hermopolis of the South, may your arms be about the meal, your daughter, provide yourself with it :
He lives ! This King Unas lives ! He is not dead ! This King Unas lives ! He is
not destroyed ! This King Unas is not destroyed ! He
has not been judged ! This King Unas has not been judged ! He judges. This King Unas
judges !
In your name of Dweller in Hermopolis of the North, may your arms be
about the meal, your daughter, provide yourself with it :
He lives ! This King Unas lives ! He is not dead ! This King Unas lives ! He is
not destroyed ! This King Unas is not destroyed ! He
has not been judged ! This King Unas has not been judged ! He judges. This King Unas
judges !
In your name of Dweller in the Town of Lakes. What You
have eaten, an Eye, your belly shall grow round from it, your son Horus
releasing it for You (so) that You may live from it.
He lives ! This King Unas lives ! He is not dead ! This King Unas lives ! He is
not destroyed ! This King Unas is not destroyed ! He
has not been judged ! This King Unas has not been judged ! He judges. This King Unas
judges !
Your body is the body of this King Unas, your flesh is the
flesh of this King Unas, your bones are the bones of this King Unas : You will go
(from life) should this
King Unas go. Should this King Unas go, You will go !
Service of the Crown
opening of the shrine
The doors of the horizon has been
opened, its bolts have drawn back.
by the priest to the crown
He has come to You, Red Crown !
He has come to You, Fiery Serpent !
He has come to You, Great
One !
He has come to You, Great of Magic, pure for You and fearing You !
May You be pleased with him, may You be pleased with his purity, and may You be
pleased with his speech when he says to You : "How fine You look, content, renewed, and rejuvenated,
for the god who is the father of the gods has given You birth !"
He has come to You, Great of Magic : he is Horus, encircled by the
protection of his Eye, the Great of Magic !
opening of the shrine
prayer by the King
O Red Crown !
O Curl !
O Great Crown !
O Crown Great of Magic !
O Fiery Serpent !
Grant that the
dread of me be like the dread of You !
Grant that the fear of me be like the
fear of You !
Grant that the acclaim of me be like the acclaim of You !
that the love of me be like the love of You !
Set my Aba-scepter at the head of the
living, (set) my {Power-scepter} at the head of the Akhs, and
grant that my sword prevails over my foes.
O Curl !
{You} have emerged {in me, so have I emerged in You.}
by the Red Crown
The Great Thing {has given You birth},
the Firstborn's Cobra Goddess Thing has adorned You,
the Firstborn's Cobra Goddess Thing has given You birth,
the Great Thing {has adorned You},
for You are Horus, encircled by the protection of his Eye !
Commendations to Re
joining the ongoing circuit of Re
by the priest
To say the words :
You shall stand up on it, this Earth
{which issued from Atum, this spittle}, which issued from Kheprer. Evolve on it, become exalted on it,
and your father will see You, Re will see
You !
prayer by the King
I have come to You, my father,
I have come to You, O Re.
I have come to You, my father, I have come to You, O Downcast.
I have come to You, my father, I have come to You, O Fertilizer.
I have come to You, my father, I have come to You, O Rager.
I have come to You, my father, I have come to You, O Great Wild Bull.
I have come to You, my father, I have come to You, O Great Reedfloat-user.
I have come to You, my father, I have come to You, O Sopdu.
I have come to You, my father, I have come to You, O Sharp-teeth.
Grant that I, King Unas, may seize the Cool Waters and receive the horizon.
Grant that I may rule the Nine and provide for the Ennead.
Place the Crook in my hand, that the head of the Delta and the Nile Valley may be bowed.
I charge my opponent and stand up over the Great One as his greater,
(as) the one
Nephthys has blessed, for I have captured my opponent, (saying) :
"You have provide yourself with the
Great of Magic, (as) Seth dwelling in Ombos, Lord of Upper Egypt. Nothing has
been is
lost to You, nothing has been <wanting> to You. For see, You are more Ba
and more in control than the gods of Upper Egypt and their Akhs,
You whom the Pregnant
One ejected, and You have <illumined> the night, equipped as Seth,
whose raw (testicles) were pulled off."
(As) one Isis has blessed, (saying) :
"You have provided yourself as Horus the Youthful ! Indeed, nothing is lost to You, nothing has <ceased> for You !
For see, You are more Ba and more in control than the gods of the North and their Akhs."
by the priest
Cast off your impurity for Atum in {Heliopolis and go down with him.} Assign the
<needs> of
the Lower Sky and succeed to the thrones of Nun.
You shall come into being
with your father Atum, You shall go up on high with your father Atum, You shall rise
with your father Atum, and may (your) <needs> be released from You.
Head to (Nut), the Lady of Heliopolis in the sedan chair. Go up, open your way by means of the bones of Shu,
that the inside of your mother Nut's arms may enfold You.
You shall become pure in the horizon and get
rid of your impurity in the Lakes of Shu.
Ascend and descend !
with Re, one of the dusk with the One Who Was Cast Down.
Ascend and descend !
Ascend with Re, rise with the Great Float-user.
Ascend and descend !
with Nephthys, sink into darkness with the Nightboat.
Ascend and descend !
Ascend with Isis, rise with the Dayboat.
You shall have power over your
body, for You have no hindrance.
Having been born to (be) Horus, and conceived to (be)
Having become pure in the Western nome, having received your purification in the
nome with your father, with Atum.
You have come into being, You have gone up on
high, and You have become effective. It has become pleasant for You inside your father's
arms, inside Atum's arms.
Atum, elevate this King Unas to You,
encircle him inside your arms, for he is your son of your body, forever.
Calling the King to return from the Duat
(223) the King is called back
by the priest
Hey !
Turn around !
Ah ! Ah !
O King Unas !
Stand up and sit down to a thousand of bread, a thousand of
beer, roast meat, your rib-meat from the slaughterhouse, and pulled bread
from the broadhall.
As the god is provided with a divine offering,
King Unas is
provided with this his bread.
You have
come to your Ba, Osiris, Ba among the Akhu, in control in his places, whom the Ennead
tend in the Mansion of the
O King Unas !
Elevate yourself up to me, betake yourself toward me :
do not be far
from me, tomb-dweller, and turn toward me.
I have given You the Eye of Horus.
have allotted it to You, may it <endure> for You with You.
O King Unas !
Arise, receive this your bread from my hand !
O King Unas !
I will be an attendant for You !
happy & changed
by the priest
To say the words :
Hey, You King Unas !
about, You King Unas !
You have gone, that You may govern the Mounds of Horus !
You have gone, that
You may govern the Mounds of Seth !
You have gone, that You may govern the Mounds of
Osiris !
An offering which the King grants to all your insignia wherever You may be
: your Lotus-bud sceptre at the head of the living, your staff at
the head of the Akhs, as Anubis at the fore of the Westerners, as Andjeti at
the fore of the eastern nomes.
How happy is your condition as You become Akh, O King Unas, among your brothers the gods !
How changed !
changed, You whom your child tended.
Beware of your limit in the Earth.
"Put on your body and come to them !"
-four times-