Selected Bibliography Egyptology
by Wim van den Dungen
Aldred, C. : Egypt to the End of the Old Kingdom, Thames & Hudson -
London, 1965.
Aldred, C. : Akhenaten, King of Egypt, Thames and Hudson - London, 1988.
Allen, J.P. : The Inflection of the Verb in the Pyramid Texts, Undena
- Malibu, 1982.
Allen, J.P. : Genesis in Egypt : The Philosophy of Ancient Egyptian
Creation Accounts, Yale Egyptological Seminar - New Haven, 1988.
Allen, J.P. : Religion and Philosophy in Ancient Egypt, Yale Egyptological Seminar - New Haven, 1989.
Allen, J.P. : Middle Egyptian, Cambridge University Press -
Cambridge, 2000.
Allen, J.P. : The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, Society of
Biblical Literature - Atlanta, 2005.
Allen, J.P. : The Ancient Egyptian Language, Cambridge University Press -
Cambridge, 2013.
Allen, T.G. : Occurrences of Pyramid Texts with
Cross-Indexes of these and other Egyptian Mortuary Texts, University of
Chicago Press - Chicago, 1950.
Altenmüller, H. : Handbuch der Orientalistik, Kees - Leiden, 1959.
Altenmüller, H. : Die Texts zum Begräbnisritual in den Pyramiden des
Alten Reiches, Wiesbaden, 1972.
Andreu, G. : L'Égypte au temps des pyramides, Hachette - Paris, 1994.
Apostel, L. : African Philosophy : Myth or Reality ?, Scientia -
Gent, 1981.
Armstrong, A.H. (editor) : Classical Mediterranean Spirituality, SCM
Press - London, 1989.
Arnold, D. : The Encyclopaedia of Ancient Egyptian Architecture, Tauris -
London, 2003.
Asante, M.K. : The Egyptian Philosophers, Images - Chicago, 2000.
Assmann, J. & Sundermeier, T. (editors) : Das Fest und das Heilige :
Religiöse Kontrapunte zur Alltagswelt, Studien zum Verstehen fremder
Religionen 1, Gütersloh, 1991.
Assmann, J. : Ägyptische Hymnen und Gebete, Artemis - Zurich, 1975.
Assmann, J. : Zeit und Ewigheit im alten Ägypten, Carl Winter
Universitätsverlag - Heidelberg, 1975.
Assmann, J. : The Search for God in Ancient Egypt, Cornell University
Press - London, 1991.
Assmann, J. : Egyptian Solar Religion in the New Kingdom, Kegan Paul -
New York, 1995.
Assmann, J. : Moses the Egyptian, Harvard University Press - London,
Assmann, J. : Maât, La Maison de Vie - Paris, 1999.
Assmann, J. : Images et Rites de la Mort, Cybele - Paris, 2000.
Assmann, J. : The Mind of Egypt, Holt - New York, 2002.
Auffret, P. : Hymnes d'Egypte et d'Israël : études de structures littéraires,
Editions Universitaires - Fribourg, 1981.
Abou Ghazi, D. : "B4ewailing the King in the Pyramid Texts.", in :
Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire - Cairo,
n°66, 1968, pp.157-164.
Abou Ghazi, D. : "The First Appearance of Re and His Continuous Being as
Depicted in the Pyramid Texts.", in : Ibidem, n°68, 1969,
Allen, J.P. : "Reading a Pyramid.", in : Hommages Leclant, I, 1988, pp.5-28.
Altenmüller, H. : "Denkmal memphitischer Theologie." in : Lexicon der
Ägyptologie, 1:1065-1069.
Altenmüller, H. : "Bemerkungen zum Kannibalenspruch." in : Assmann, J., Feucht,
E. & Grieshammer, R. (editors) : Fragen an die altägyptische Literatur,
Reichert - Wiesbaden, 1977, pp. 19-39.
Aldred, C. : "The Second Jubilee of Amenophis II", in : Zeitschrift fur
Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde - Berlin, n°94, 1967.
Anderson, W. : "Badarian burials : evidence of social inequality in Middle Egypt
during the early Predynastic era.", in : Journal of the American Research
Center of Egypt, 29, 1992, pp.51-66.
Anthes, R. : "Lebensregeln und Lebensweisheit der Alten Ägypter.", in :
Der Alte Orient - Leipzig, 32, 2, 1933.
Anthes, R. : "Egyptian Theology in the Third Millennium B.C.", in :
Journal of Near East Studies, 18, 1959, pp.169 - 212.
Arnold, D. : "Rituale und pyramidentempel.", in : Mitteilungen des Deutschen
Archäologischen Instituts, Abt. Kairo, 33, 1977, pp.1-14.
Assmann, J. : "Death and Initiation in the Funerary Religion of Ancient Egypt.",
in : Religion and Philosophy in Ancient Egypt, Yale Egyptological
Seminar - New Haven, 1989, pp.135-159.
Assmann, J. : "Akhanyati's Theology of Light and Time.", in : Proceedings of
the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities - Jeruzalem, 7, n°4, 1992,
Assmann, J. : "When Justice Fails.", in : Journal of Egyptian Archeology
- London, 1992, pp.149-162.
Assmann, J. : "Semiosis and Interpretation in Ancient Egyptian Ritual.", in :
Bidermann & Scharfstein : Interpretation in Religion, Brill - Leiden,
1992, pp.87-109.
Assmann, J. : "Ancient Egypt and the Materiality of the Sign.", in : Gumbrechts,
H.U. & Pfeiffer, K.L. (editors) : Materialities of Communication,
Stanford University Press - California, 1994.
Baines, J. : Fecundity Figures, Aris & Phillips - Warminster, 1985.
Badawy, A. : Ancient Egyptian Architectural Design, University of
California Press - California, 1965.
Barry, K. : The Greek Qabalah, Weiser - New York, 1999.
Barta, W. : Die Bedeutung des Pyramidetexts für den verstorben König,
Deutscher Kunstverlag - Berlin, 1981.
Barton, T. : Ancient Astrology, Routledge and Kegan - London, 1994.
Barucq, A. & Daumas, F. : Hymnes et Prières de L'Égypte Ancienne, Du Cerf
- Paris, 1980.
Bernal, M. : Black Athena, 2 volumes, Rutgers University Press - New
Jersey, 1987.
Bidermann & Scharfstein : Interpretation in Religion, Brill - Leiden,
Bernal, M. : Black Athena Writes Back, Duke University Press - London,
Bietak, M. : Avaris : The Capital of the Hyksos : Recent Excavations at Tell
el-Dab'a, British Museum Press - London, 1996.
Bleeker, D. : Hathor and Thoth, Brill - Leiden, 1973.
Bonfante, L, Chadwick, J., Cook, B., Davies, W., Healey, J., Hooker, J. &
Walker, C. : La Naissance des Écritures, Seuil - Paris, 1994.
Bonnet, H. : Reallexicon der ägyptischen Religionsgeschichte,
de Gruyter - Berlin, 1952.
Borghouts, J. : The Magical Texts of Papyrus Leiden, Brill - Leiden,
Borghouts, J. : Ancient Magical Texts, Bril - Leiden, 1978.
Bourguet, De, P. : Grammaire Egyptienne, Peeters - Leuven, 1980.
Bowman, A.K. : Egypt after the Pharaohs, University of California Press -
Berkeley, 1986.
Braguet, P. : Les textes des sarcophages égyptiens du Moyen Empire, du
Cerf - Paris, 1986.
Breasted, J.H. : De Hymnis in Solem sub Rege Amenophide IV conceptis
("On the Hymns to the Sun composed under Amenophis IV"), Berlin University -
dissertation, 1895.
Breasted, J.H. : Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt,
Pennsylvania University Press - Pennsylvania, 1972.
Breasted, J.H. : Ancient Records of Egypt, vol.1-5, University of
Illinois Press - Illinois, 2001.
Brier, B. : Egyptian Mummies : Unraveling the Secrets of an Ancient Art,
Morrow - New York, 1994.
Brier, B. : Ancient Egyptian Magic, Perennial - New York, 2001.
Brugsch, H. : Die neue Weltordnung : Nach Vernichtung des sündigen
Menschengeschlechtes, Verlag S. Calvary und Co. - Berlin, 1881.
Brunner, H. : Die Weisheitsbücher der Ägypter, Artemis - Zürich, 1991.
Buck, de A. : The Egyptian Coffin Texts, 7 volumes, Oriental Institute
Publications - Chicago, 34, 49, 64, 67, 73, 81, 87, 1935-1961.
Buck, de A. : De Egyptische voorstellingen van den Oerheuvel, Brill -
Leiden, 1922.
Buck, de A. : Egyptian Readingbook, Nederlandsch
Archaeologisch - Philologische Instituut - Leiden, 1948.
Note :
The availability of the books by Sir E.A.Wallis Budge (1857 - 1934), Late Keeper
of the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British Museum, is not
a measure of their actual scientific worth. His work is overrepresented on
the bookshelves because of a fatal combination of considerable popular interest
and commercial arguments. Indeed, Budge was and still is much read in the
egyptomanic milieu of Western occultism and Hermeticism (not to be confused with
Hermetism), largely unaware of the leap forward realized in the last decades.
Although Budge was a scholar, a prolific
writer and a generalist, various aspects of his work were arguably criticized
during his lifetime, as well as today.
It has been said that much of his material was already out of date at the
He did not keep up with the
leading Berlin language school (1894).
Nevertheless, in the history of the start of egyptology, his name will endure,
for in his age, Budge was a giant. The British Museum (his former home, enriched
by his hard labour) does not even mention his books on their
recommended reading list, but published an explanation on its webpage for his absence on this booklist !
(cf. infra)

E.A.Wallis Budge at the British
Reeves, 2001, p.63.
The various themes Budge invoked, should always be double-checked using
contemporary scientific knowledge. Especially his methodology and the translations
of the hieroglyphs adorning his books, as well as his views on Egyptian
history contain errors. For some, Budge proves to be a "cheap", "readable" and "interesting"
introduction into a 'semi-' (others would say 'pseudo-') generalized picture of
Ancient Egyptian religion and civilization, based on the limited views of a hardworking and dedicated author, operating in a
new field of study. His Dictionary should always be used together with
those of Erman & Grapow, Gardiner, Faulkner, Hannig etc.
Budge remained a bestseller, despite the "Budge-bashing" by a few frustrated but
very serious scholars, who, for arguable reasons, object against the
contemporary proliferation of his work. The
fact that contemporary scholars continue to invest time to discuss and criticize
his "opus" (cf. EEF forum, Dec.2002 / Jan.2003), proves they do not consider
Budge to be a "crack-pot" (cf. the "alternative archeologists" and "New Agers",
who are not even discussed ...), rather one of those controversial &
egyptologists "of the first hour"
Quotes from the EEF forum
"Although he was an active collector, his publications fell behind
contemporaneous scholarly standards and are now extremely outdated. Today,
University students are strongly advised not to use them, because of their basic
errors of fact and methodology. For this same reason the Department of Ancient
Egypt and Sudan does not include any of Budge's books on its recommended reading
list. Budge's works are still in print, but this is because they are out of
copyright, and so the text can be cheaply reprinted. While they are well
illustrated, full of information and extremely cheap, they are at best
unreliable, and usually misleading."
British Museum Web
"The thing which Budge should be remembered for is that he built the British
Museum's collection up to roughly what it is today, and it wouldn't be as full
of remarkable pieces if he hadn't."
Nigel Strudwick
"But I must say, I
too am wondering just what one learns from Budge that must be 'untaught'. As
someone who began my study of the language with him, (a little yellow paperback)
I can't see at what point this placed me at a disadvantage. When I progressed to
Gardiner's grammar, I didn't notice I had to unlearn anything."
Marianne Luban
"... it is a non-issue to have to warn against books of 120 years old ..."
Aayko Eyma
"I think there would be less criticism about
dissuading readers from using Budge if there was some reasonably priced and
accessible alternative. And by accessible I mean works that a reasonably
educated person could profit from without spending years of dedicated study. If
scholarly communities do not make quality materials available to an interested
public, they have only themselves to blame for continued sales and use of
substandard materials."
Patrick Durusau
"You know the books that
are long on pictures and short on academic texts and I'm finding that they are
every bit as informative and useful as any academic book. Instead of crummy line
drawings of Osiris and illegible hand drawn hieroglyphic texts you have the
original material in front of you in blazing color and almost microscopic detail
of various artifacts."
Rick Baudé
Budge, E.A.W. : Facsimiles of Eyptian hieratic Papyri, London, 1910.
Budge, E.A.W. : The Book of the Dead, Dover - New York, 1967.
Budge, E.A.W. : The Gods of the Egyptians, 2 volumes, Dover - New
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Budge, E.A.W. : Egyptian Magic, Dover - New York, 1971.
Budge, E.A.W. : The Book of Opening the Mouth, Blom - New York, 1972.
Budge, E.A.W. : Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, 2 volumes,
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Budge, E.A.W. : An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, 2 volumes, Dover
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Budge, E.A.W. : From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt, Dover - New
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