Pyramid Texts of UNAS

by Wim
van den Dungen
Corridor l
English text
North and South Walls
(199, 32, 25, 200 and 244 -

"<" or ">" between numbers = sequence of the
"<" from right to left (facing right) or ">" from left to right (facing left)

adapted from the pictures of L.F. Husson in
Piankoff, A. : The Pyramid of Unas,
Bollingen Series, 1968.
to download a larger picture of the
North Wall click
the text reads from left to right

adapted from the pictures of L.F. Husson in
Piankoff, A. : The Pyramid of Unas,
Bollingen Series, 1968.
to download a larger picture of the South Wall click
the text reads from right to left
{...} : restored passage
<...> : conjectured translation of unknown word
(...) : words added to bring out the sense and/or to clarify
The first number given, is the ordinal position of the utterance in the present
English version of the 228 utterances of the Unas text, while the second is the
traditional enumeration of the sayings by Sethe.
reversion of offerings
by the priest
O Osiris King Unas, {turn yourself to this your
bread, accept it from me.}
To say the words four times :
"May the Eye of Horus {endure} with You."
{the reversion} of divine offering-
pouring of libation under the
by the priest
This is your libation, Osiris.
This is your libation, O King Unas, have gone forth -libation & two
pellets of natron- to your son, have gone forth to Horus.
I have come and I bring You the Eye of Horus, that your heart may be
refreshed with it. I bring it to You under your feet.
Take the outflow that comes out from You. Your heart will not be weary
with it.
To say the words four times :
"Come, (for) You have been invoked !"
purification by water
by the priest
Osiris, seize all those who hate King Unas -pour
water- and who
speak evil against his name. Thoth, go, seize him for
Osiris. Bring him who speaks evil against the name of King Unas. Put him in
your hand.
To say the words four times :
"Do not let go of him !
Beware, do not let go of
him !"
-pour water-
159 (25)
censing Ka-rite
by the priest
Someone has gone with his Ka.
Horus has gone with his Ka.
Seth has gone with his Ka.
Thoth has gone with his Ka.
O King Unas, the arm of your Ka is before You !
O King Unas, the arm of your Ka is behind You !
O King Unas, the foot of your Ka is before You !
O King Unas, the foot of your Ka is behind You !
O Osiris King Unas, I have given You the Eye of Horus !
May your face be adorned with it !
May the perfume of the Eye of Horus diffuse
over You !
glorification of the incense as the Eye of Horus
by the priest
Salutations to You,
incense !
Salutations to You, brother of the god !
Salutations to You, Great So-and-so in the
limbs of Horus !
You of great purity, spread yourself in your identity of the cake (of
incense) :
let your scent be on King Unas and purify King Unas.
O Eye of
Horus, be high and great toward King Unas !
PASSAGEWAY / South Wall (244 - 246) :
smashing the vessels of
by the priest
This is the {firm} Eye of {Horus} !
It has been set for You that You may become strong and he may become
afraid of You
-smashing the redware-
the King is a star escaping Osiris
by the King
I, King Unas, have come to You, O Nut !
I have come to You, O Nut, having left my father on Earth, having left
Horus behind me, having grown wings as a falcon, feathered as a hawk, my Ba
having fetched him, his magic having equipped me.
by Nut
(O King Unas), You shall split open your place in the sky
among the stars of the sky, for You are the Lone Star, the companion of Hu. May
You look down upon the head of Osiris as he governs the Akhs, while You
yourself stand far from him.
You are not of them and You will not be of them !
standing at the door of the
by the priest
This King Unas stance as a ram with two wild-bull
horns on his head has been seen. For You are a black
ram, (King Unas), the son of a black ewe, whom a white ewe bore and
four teats suckled.
Blue-eyed Horus has come against You (gods) : beware of
red-eyed Horus ! The one with painful wrath - his Ba cannot be barred !
messengers have gone, his couriers have run, and they bear tidings to the One with
sweeping shoulders in
the East : "The one of yours has gone, of whom the god says that he will govern
the gods' fathers.
The gods shall grow
silent for You, the Ennead having put their hands to their mouth, before this
one of yours,
of whom the god says that he will govern the gods' fathers."
Stand at the doors of the horizon, (King Unas), open the doors of the Cool
Waters, and stand at the head, like Geb at the fore of his
They go in, they will smite down evil.
They come out, they will lift up their
face and see You as Min at the head of the Two Shrines.
Someone has stood up behind You, (Re) : your brother has stood up behind
You, the one You summoned has stood up behind You.
You will not perish, (King Unas) !
You will not cease !
Your name will <endure> among men,
even as your name comes to be with the gods !