Pyramid Texts of UNAS

by Wim
van den Dungen
Corridor l
English text
East Wall
(277 - 301)

"<" or ">" between numbers = sequence of the
"<" from right to left (facing right) or ">" from left to right (facing left)

adapted from the pictures of L.F. Husson in
Piankoff, A. : The Pyramid of Unas,
Bollingen Series, 1968.
to download a larger picture click
the text reads from right to left
{...} : restored passage
<...> : conjectured translation of unknown word
(...) : words added to bring out the sense and/or to clarify
The first number given, is the ordinal position of the utterance in the present
English version of the 228 utterances of the Unas text, while the second is the
traditional enumeration of the sayings by Sethe.
by the priest
{ To say the words :}
Horus has fallen because of his Eye !
The Bull has crawled away because of his testicles.
Fall down !
Crawl away !
by the priest
To say the words :
Babi has stood up to meet the Foremost of Letepolis : let the
spittle stop the one whose trampling is desired, You whose trampling is desired.
You are released, Wefi-snake :
cause King Unas to be protected.
by the priest
To say the words :
King Unas is a trampler, who <chops> the mud of the canals.
Thoth, behind King Unas !
Trample on the one of the dark, trample on the one of the dark !
(280 - 281)
by the priest
To say the words :
O You Evil-doer, Evil-doer !
O You of the wall, You of the wall !
Set your face behind You !
Beware of the great mouth !
Caught one of the courtyard, You !
Earthen one of the courtyard,
long one, You of the foot, lion of Pehty, lion of Petjety !
Pehty and Petjety, give me now your long one !
Stack up the flesh.
Woe, now : the pot !
The plaited serpent, the plaited serpent, will be conveyed away,
will be conveyed away.
by the priest
To say the words :
O Hazet-snake, the vulture's mouth - that is your arrack.
Hazet-snake, the vulture's mouth, the one belonging to the Gold of Jubilation,
Apparent in Heat and Jubilation. This is your Bull, the strong one against whom
this was done.
by the King
To say the words :
Shall I, King Unas, chop this left nail of mine against You and
set a blow with it for Min, attacker ?
O You who rob, do not rob !
by the King
To say the words :
The one Atum has bitten has filled my mouth, coiling all up. The
centipede has been smitten by Him-of-the-Mansion, and He-of-the-Mansion has been
smitten by the centipede : that lion is inside this lion ; the two bulls shall
fight inside the ibis.
by the priest
To say the words :
Your two drops (of poison) are off to your two (poison) sacs :
spit them out at <once>, now ! Gory !
Spew out, You with the liquid, with water.
O You of the injured eye, headband of Seshau - rain, You wretched one !
Cobra, reject !
You windpipe, You of the Het-plant, alum !
The lion is dangerous with (his) water.
Extender, do not extend ! It is the windpipe.
by the King
To say the words :
The Byblites have crawled off. The lake-long-ones
Red Crowns shall bring in the lake-long-one, for I shall raise the Red Crowns
and You shall praise my name.
by the priest
{ To say the words :}
You whose mother turned him away !
You whose mother turned him away,
are You not such, are You not such ?
Lion, spit out !
by the priest
To say the words :
O Hekj-snake, O Hekret-snake, go
away, head off !
The Eye of King Unas, do not look at him !
You shall not effect your mission with King Unas,
spit out and do not come back !
by the priest
To say the words :
The bull has fallen to the Sedjeh-snake and the Sedjeh-snake
has fallen to the bull. Fall down ! Crawl away !
by the priest
To say the words :
Face has fallen on face. Face has seen face.
The black-dappled knife has gone forth and swallowed for itself and acquired for
by the priest
To say the words :
Your jubilation has been removed, You white one of the <hole>, by
the one who emerged as worm. Your own jubilation has been taken away, You white
one of the <hole>, by him who emerged as a worm.
by the priest
To say the words :
You are one whom the attacker attacked, You snake whose
attack has missed. Your aggression is for your aggressor, You snake whose attack
has missed.
by the King
To say the words :
Get back, You hidden one !
Hide yourself, do not let me, King Unas, see You !
You should not come to where I am, that I, may not pronounce against You this
your name of Traveler, son of (the female) Traveler.
The Majesty of the Pelican has fallen in the inundation,
turned away, turned away !
Monster, lie down !
by the King
To say the words :
I, King Unas, am Horus who came forth from the acacia, who came
forth from the acacia, to whom it was commanded : "Beware of the lion !" To whom
the command went forth : "Beware of the lion !"
I have come forth from my stoppered jar after having spent the night in my
stoppered jar, and I will appear at dawn. I have come forth from my stoppered
jar, having spent the night in my stoppered jar,
and I will appear at dawn.
by the King
To say the words :
Mafdet will leap on the neck of the snake who brings his gift,
and again on the neck of the serpent with sweeping head. Which is the one who
will remain? It is I, King Unas, who will remain !
by the King
To say the words :
Tjetju-snake, where are You going ? Wait for me,
King Unas, (for) King Unas is Geb. Hemetj-snake, brother of the Hemetjet-snake,
your father Djaamiu has died.
by the King
My hand has come upon You, <accursed> snake. The one that comes on You is that
of Mafdet, at the fore of the Mansion of Life, striking You on your face, and
scratching You on your eyes, so that You fall into your dung and crawl into your
Fall down ! Lie down ! Crawl away, that your mother Nut may see You !
by the King
To say the words :
Re will appear, his effective Uraeus upon him, against this snake
which came forth from the Earth.
You under my fingers, I, King Unas, shall cut off your head with this knife
which is in the hand of her who has the face of Mafdet. He shall draw out those
things which are in your mouth, and milk your poison with those four cords that
trail behind the sandals of Osiris.
Monster, lie down !
Bull, crawl away !
by the King
To say the words :
Cobra, to the sky !
Centipede of Horus, to the Earth !
The sandals of Horus is treading on the Lord of the Mansion, the bull of the
Shunned snake, I, King Unas, cannot be shunned !
My sycamore is my sycamore.
My refuge is my refuge.
Anyone I find in my way I will devour.
by the King
To say the words :
O Kherti of Nezat, and You ferryman of the Ikehet which Khnum
made !
Bring this (ferry) for me, for I, King Unas, am Sokar of Rosetau.
I am off to where Sokar, Lord of the Spread Lake, dwells.
You two, get those (ferries) that cross the desert.
address to the primeval deities
by the King
To say the words :
You have your bread-loaf, O Nun and Naunet !
You pair of the gods,
who joined the gods with their shadow.
You have your bread-loaf, O Amun and Amaunet !
You pair of the gods,
who joined the gods with their shadow.
You have your bread-loaf, O Atum and Dual-Lion !
Who yourselves created your two gods and their bodies,
that is Shu and Tefenet, who made the gods,
who begot the gods and established the gods.
Tell your father that I, King Unas, have given You your bread-loaves, that I
have contented You with what is yours, and that You should not hinder me when
I cross to him at the horizon.
For I know him and know his name :
"eternal" is his name ; "the Eternal, Lord of the Year" is his name.
He whose arms are a weapon, Horus-who-is-over-the-stars-of-the-sky, who brings
Re to life every day, shall refashion me and bring me to life
every day !
I have come to You, O Horus of Shat.
I have come to You, O Horus of Shezmet.
I have come to You, O Horus of the East.
Lo, I have brought to You your great eastern eye from the cavern. Accept
it from me and be sound, (receive) its water in it and be sound, its gore
in it and be sound, its vapor in it and be sound.
Ascend to it and take it in this your name of the shawl of the god.
You should mount up to it in this your name of Re.
Put it on your brow in this its name of "Brow-unguent".
You should redden with it in this its name of "Willow".
Gleam with it among the gods in this its name of "Faience".
Be joyful by means of it in this its name of "Jubilation oil of Renenutet", for
it loves You.
Arise, great reed float, as Paths-Parter (Wepwawet), filled with your Akh and emergent from the horizon ! Take the crown from the great and
mighty <foreigners> who preside over Libya as Sobek, Lord of Bakhu.
When You travel to your fields and course the interior of your mangroves and
your nose smells the sweet savours of Shezmet, You should make my Ka ascend for him beside him, just like that coursing of yours ascends for
So, clean me !
So, brighten me bright in this Jackal Lake of yours, (O) Jackal, in which You
cleanse the gods - powerful for You and sharp for You !
O Horus, Lord of the Malachite !
To say the words four times :
"Two green falcons."